Child Skills Speech Chart
The following child speech stages are general guidelines provided by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and should not be used as a definitive tool for diagnosis.
Birth to 3 Months
Recognizes your voice and quiets if crying
Quiets or smiles when spoken to
Becomes startled to loud noises
Smiles when caregiver is seen
Uses different cries for different needs
Changes rate of sucking behavior in response to sound
Makes sounds of pleasure, such as cooing
4 to 6 Months
Attends to music
Shifts eyes in the direction of sounds
Recognizes toys that make sounds
Responds to changes in tone of voice
Vocalizes when pleased and displeased
Makes gurgling sounds when left alone and when in contact with others
Babbles with sounds such as p, b, m
7 to 12 Months
Turns and looks in the direction of sound
Listen when spoken to
Enjoys games such as peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake
Recognizes words for common items, such as “cup”, “shoe”, “juice”
Starts to respond to requests, such as, “Come here”, “Want more?”
Babbling long and short groups of sounds, like, “tata upup bibibibi”
12 Months
Responds to their name
Understands simple directions with gestures
Uses a variety of sounds
Plays social games like peek-a-boo
Says first word around this age
15 Months
Uses a variety of sounds and gestures to communicate
Uses some simple words to communicate
Plays with different toys
Understands simple directions, such as, “Get the ball”
18 Months
Understands several body parts
Attempts to imitate words you say
Uses at least 10-20 words
Uses pretend play, such as pretending to feed a baby doll
24 Months
Uses at least 50 words
Recognizes pictures in books and listens to simple stories
Uses many different sounds at the beginning of words
Begins to make two word combinations, such as “Ball go” and “More milk”
2 to 3 Years:
Speech is understood by familiar listeners (mom, dad, teacher) most of the time
Understands differences in meaning (go v. stop, in v. on, big v. little, up v. down)
Combines 3 or more words into sentences, such as “Doggy go eat”, “I want juice please”,
“Where is daddy?” -
Understands simple questions
Recognizes at least 2 colors
Understands descriptive concepts (big v. little, happy v. sad)
3 to 4 Years:
Uses sentences with 4 or more words
Talks about activities at school or at friends’ homes
People who are not a part of the family (unfamiliar listeners)
generally understand the child’s speech -
Identifies colors
Compares objects
Answers questions logically
Explains how objects are used
4 to 5 Years:
Answers simple questions about a story, such as, “What is the boy doing?”
Voice sounds clear
Tells stories that stay on topic
Communicates with other children and adults
Says most sounds correctly
Can define some words
Uses prepositions (i.e. in, on, under, over, behind)
Understands more complex directions